Hair Care
As winter is the driest season so along with skin , your hair are also getting dull & dry so what to do in this winter to get the long perfect straight silky hair?
So here's the solution
1.Cover your head with scarf or cap for most of the time
2.Wash your hair 3 times per week
3.Give oily message to your head before shower
4.Must use a perfect hair conditioner that suits your hair
5.Do not use hair dryer let them dry in normal temperature
6.Do not straight your hair regularly  
7.Do not use any hair color they can damage your hair

If you have dandruff in your scalp then give your hair & scalp an oily message before bath and bath after 3-4 hour .Use head&shoulders shampoo as it   suits best in any polluted environment its my personal experience and cover your head .
Do You Know one of the reasons that causes dandruff is that people continuously change their shampoo

We totally get it. There's nothing more annoying than taking a nice cleansing and refreshing shower, and waking up the following day and wondering why your hair is oily enough to fry an egg.

Why is my hair so oily, anyway?

First, we must learn why it is that our hair is producing these oils because, don't get us wrong - natural oils in the hair is common and vital to ensuring healthy and strong hair. What’s going on up there, you ask? Let’s walk through a quick science lesson on what our hair is doing, and what it means to have oily hair.
This, beautiful friends, is what goes on behind the scenes of our hair. #BTS
how to get rid of oily hair
The star of the show here is our sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are glands in your skin that release sebum, which is a lubricating oil. These glands are located all over your body, with the exception of a few areas (like hands and feet), and are found connected with your hair follicles. Wondering why you always have oily hair? Well, we have (semi)good news - your sebaceous glands are alive, well, and active!
The bad news? Overreactive sebaceous glands means you may experience oily hair, which can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. As previously mentioned, however, we are here to help. Here is tip number one on how to prevent oily hair:

1. Determine Your Hair Wash Cycle 

Contrary to popular belief, for someone who has naturally oily hair, it's actually best to not wash your hair as often as you may think. Shocker, right? Most people tend to leap straight for the shampoo and assume they're simply due for another shower when they feel their hair is oily. Washing your hair every day or even every other day, however, will result in your hair producing more oil because it's trying to compensate for the oil lost. Basically, your sebaceous glands are confused. 
It will take time to train your hair to get used to your new wash cycle, but with time, you will start to see results. We recommend to try and reduce your hair wash cycle to only 2 or 3 (at the very most) washes per week.When washing your hair, start off with warm water when washing so that it opens up your pores and cleanses, and when it comes time to rinse, turn the knob down and opt for cooler water so that your pores close. 
Another great tip: minimize the use of conditioner. If you’re one to slather on the conditioner, try cutting it back to just a small dollop or even skip it a few times each shower session to minimize oil build up, as it can active oil production quicker. The proper way to use conditioner, actually, is not at the roots but all throughout the length of the hair, because that is where the hair needs to be conditioned the most. The natural oils will take care of moisturizing the roots. 

2. Curls > Straight Hair

Have you ever noticed that you can usually go a day or two longer without washing your hair if you've curled it? That is no coincidence, my friend.  
How to get rid of oily hair
If your hair lays flat and you're guilty for straightening it often, try to lay low on the straightening products as the closer your hair is to your head and the straighter it is, the more oil it comes in contact with, and the easier it is for the oil to make its way down your hair. 

3. Keep Your Hands Off Your Hair

Girl, stop. 
You know how they say a kiss is likely more clean than shaking hands with someone? It's true - your hands are constantly touching multiple things throughout the day and although we trust your portable Purell hand sanitizer game is strong, there are still plenty of germs and oils on your hands that you do not want to transfer over to your hair. The twirling of hair or the brushing of your hair back that you subconsciously do throughout the day all contribute to the oil build-up you see in your hair. If you struggle keeping your hands away from your hair throughout the day, try tying it up in a bun at the beginning of the day so there are no temptations. 

4. Food, Food, Food

It's no surprise that the foods we consume will have a direct effect on the reason why we experience oily hair. Carbohydrates and processed foods can increase the amount of oil that our sebaceous glands produce, so we recommend to stay away from fried foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates to ensure that a good balance of sebum is being produced in your hair.
5. Reduce the Use of Hair Products
We understand that sometimes you may have to use a little bit of hairspray or mousse to perfect that curl or updo, but remember - many hair styling products like gels, mousses, and creams contain oils and other ingredients that can contribute to the buildup of hair oil. We recommend to minimize the use of these products and when you do use them, be sure to rinse your hair at the end of the day. 
Try these & give your valuable feedback 


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